The Internet Directory for Specified Construction Products.
All Maintenance Links Page
"Do it yourself" & "How to". Your source for: Information, Resources, Suppliers
ARCAT helps you search through our building products directory, manufacturers directory, specifications library, CAD drawing library,
and much more fast - all free - all online.
Beach Builders, Inc.
Florida's Forgotten Coast contractor building award-winning piling homes. Purchase plans, homes, or lots. Experience an ongoing project in real-time.
Bella Tile
Specializing in fine mosaics made of natural stone.
BOB'S Weekend Handyman
Handyman links for the do it yourself handyman covering home maintenance,
repairs and projects.
Buyer's Index
We're featured in Buyer's Index - The search engine for mail order buyers Buyer's Index -- The best search engine for Web and Catalog shopping.
CAI Technologies
Buy Online! - Water softeners, reverse osmosis systems, ultraviolet units, backwashing filters, neutralizers and more - free shipping!
Cedar Log Homes
Log Homes from Cedar Log Homes. Custom log home plans, kits, floor plans; free newsletter.
Cordonna Associates, Inc.
Manufacturer and distributor of air pollution control technologies and water treatment equipment.
Collins Woodworker's Directory
Over 55,000 web sites and have hand-picked the absolute best woodworking sites. From Antiques, Routers, Plans, Woodworking Techniques and Tole Painting, they are all there.
Courtyard of Don's Mall
Contractor Guy
Contractor, Cash and Home Repair Gateway to the World. A directory of websites offering various Products and Services.
Southern house plans and blueprints are available from DesignHouse.
A virtual design center, DesignPortfolio.com, is an web-based directory whose goal is to make decorating your home or office easier, and more enjoyable. Free design tips, too!
One of the best one-stop resources for information and professional services.
Your commercial flooring resource library and showroom.
F.R. Walker Company
Online construction supply store featuring Walker cost estimating books and software, OSHA header signs, safety equipment, tools, rainwear, measuring instruments and more.
Gordon England Thermal Spray Coating Consultant
Site contains information about Surface Engineering, Thermal Spray Coatings, Processes and Applications.
Harrison Construction, Inc.
Commercial/Residential Remodeling and Handicap Accessibility.
Hazardous Cargo Bulletin
Website dedicated to the special needs of those in the transport, storage and handling of oils, gases, chemicals and related products worldwide
Plan your perfect home on the internet. Thousands of homes to search.
Hutchins & Hutchins, Inc.
A Master distributor of cleanroom equipment and supplies offered throughout the USA and abroad.
Idaho Construction News, Inc.
Southern Idaho's Informational Guide For The Construction Industry
Assisting contractors and homeowners in solving radon mitigation and building air leakage measurement and control problems since 1980.
It's a Wonder-Faux Life tm
Learn faux finishing and painting techniques from Steve Austin, a California contractor with over 20 years of experience. Site includes instructional video, painting services, helpful hints, and lots of photos.
http://www.johnsonpoolsinc.com Pool building and
refinishing in Pensacola Florida area. Ask for
Kitchen Remodeling Secrets & Tips
Remodel for less than $500, supplies and appliances at 35% off, tools at half price, hundreds of money
Leroy's Engineering Web Site
An indexed listing of Electrical Engineering Sites.
Log Cam
Daily construction of a Log Home via Live Web Cam!
Connect to Chemistry worldwide
MacDuff Woodworking Page
The home of the Jimmy Jig a new table saw fence technology that simply does all it claims.
MTI Materials Aspects of Manufacturing Technology
The Materials Aspects of Manufacturing Technology Institute (MTI) is aimed at developing a set of instructors with sufficient background and understanding of manufacturing technology who will serve as leaders in the effort of enhancing technology education in the U.S. It is also aimed at providing a model interactive program involving high school and community college instructors and students to assist in program articulation and to assist in the transition for technology students across the high school-community college boundary.
Natural Handyman
A feast of home repair help, information, humor and encouragement. When you visit, don't forget to subscribe to their FREE monthly newsletter!
Largest manufacturer and distributor of quality caulking guns, all makes and models, world wide!
No Brainer Blinds and Shades
No Brainer is an award-winning site offering advice about window
blinds and shades, as well as online purchase of popular window
treatments and coverings.
Orbit Irrigation Products, Inc.
One of the world's leading suppliers of residential and commercial irrigation controllers, valves, micro-watering products, sprinkler heads, valve boxes, and hose-end products.
Piercing Point
Guide clips for cutting drywall and paneling access holes.
Remodeling Gal
Contractor, Cash & Home Repair Answers for the Women of the World.
The website devoted to helping you fix things while learning how they work.
Ron Joseph & Associates
Paints & Coatings Consultants.
RO-AN Corporation (RO-AN Online)
Wholesale distributors of construction sealants, fire stopping, roofing,
waterproofing, and concrete products.
Special Spaces, Ltd
Home decorating and remodeling in your SPECIAL SPACES. Decorating and remodeling tips, advise and articles on how to creatively transform your home. FREE email advise.
Steel City Painting Services
When you want a contractor who knows more about painting then just how to apply paint. Get an estimate online to paint that special room or office.
Paint Store
PWC Magazine's online resource for painting and wall covering contractors.
Window Treatment
Custom made hardwood shutters for window interiors. Plantation and traditional styles available. Shipped nationwide to homeowners. Toll-free telephone support.